The commission to the church is to "go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" Mark 16:15. It is our heartbeat and our mission here at The Rock Church to reach hungry hearts.
We find in God's word that he is no respecter of persons and salvation is for everyone! Romans 2:11
I'm praying for you today. May the God of Glory be your guide and may you be filled with peace. In Jesus name. Amen
TRC Licensed Minister
TRC United Executive Pastor
TRC First Lady
STX District WNOP Director
TRC Inner Healing
TRC Parenting
TRC Licensed Minister
TRC Clute Campus Pastor
TRC ACTS/Anger Management
STX District WNOP Director
Brian - TRC Licensed Minister
TRC Men's Prayer
TRC ACTS/Anger Management
Becky - TRC Ladies Ministry
TRC Licensed Minister
Iglesia La Roca Ministry
TRC Inner Healing; TRC Parenting
TRC Licensed Minister
TRC Clute Prayer Coordinator
TRC Clute SS Coordinator
The Rock Church of LJ
P O Box 1148 | 540 S Main | Clute TX 77531 | US
540 S Main St | Clute TX
SUNDAY 10:00 am | WEDNESDAY 7:00 pm
540 S Main St | Clute TX
SUNDAY 2:00 pm
Small Groups
Text 979.239.8497 for locations
WEDNESDAY 6:00 pm | THURSDAY 6:30 pm | Online FRIDAY 7:00 pm